Home / Visit Jersey
Island inspiration.
Restructure & redesign for Visit Jersey.
Ground up rebuild for Visit Jersey, the official tourism body for Jersey.
Winner DTTT X Festival
Design and placemaking

Discovery & research
Finding opportunities.
Defining a game plan.
As a DMO successful 'conversion' could mean several things but ultimately would be measured in physical visits to the island. It was important to clarify what this conversion pathway looked like from a high level in order to guide further planning.

Looking v booking.
Visit Jersey provided a large body of research including a number of initial personas which were fleshed out and tested against the existing site to produce user journeys. This quickly highlighted problems with the structure, UI and content. Notably the need to allow for search based behaviour in addition to discovery.

Information architecture.
A single area for inspirational content was introduced to provide a hub for editorial style content tailored to special / cross-interest groups. All titling was reviewed to be more descriptive rather than aspirational (ie: 'Stay' became 'Places to stay') and a set of richly filterable search listings was introduced for each product category (real world things that could be visited or booked).
Sketching the UI.

Formalising initial ideas & building a navigable prototype.
The design needed consistency and modularity, to be optimized for smaller screens Whilst retaining impact on larger devices. Wireframing helped to identify re-usable components and presented an opportunity to tweak and test via basic prototypes.
The primary challenge was to comfortably mix content that faciliated browsing and discovery (promoting time on site) with clear functional pathways to aid planning and research.

Brand, Colour testing
& initial style guide.

A comprehensive range of flexible components were designed, tested across various screen sizes and used to build the UI. This would give Visit Jersey the ability to quickly create landing pages and articles from the list of layouts.

Selected visuals.

"Provides a seamless transition from inspiration and discovery, to planning."
Judges comments
DTTT X Festival awards panel
"When judging on every pillar, the results speak for themselves noting, in particular, the excellent early results witnessed in terms of impact. This is a clear example of a small destination punching above its weight."